About Medodan

  • We have worked together on various projects for the last eight years
  • Combined we have more than 50 years of medical device experience and have been involved in more than 25 different projects, e.g:
    • Bruxism management device – using surface electromyography (EMG) and cutaneous electrical stimulation
    • Drop foot stimulation device, active implantable medical device using peripheral nerve stimulation
    • Tongue control device, intra-oral appliance for control of computer/wheelchair
    • Hearing test devices including Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR)
    • Vagus nerve implant, recording of vagus nerve activity and stimulation of vagus nerve for reduction of blood pressure
    • Brain Monitoring (Electroencephalography, EEG)
  • A majority of the devices were taken all the way from initial idea to CE-mark and FDA 510K clearance
  • Together we are inventors on more than 25 patent families


Væskebalancen er afgørende for patienters tilstand og helbredelse. Derfor er korrekt måling vigtig.
Målet for projekt LICENSE er at finde en løsning på problemet ved at udvikle et monitoreringssystem for væskebalance.
Dette projekt sigter mod at skabe innovation og vil overføre viden fra forskning til virksomheder for at udvikle nye løsninger i sundhedsvæsenet. Samtidig vil projektet fremme virksomhedssamarbejde over grænsen. Med det som baggrund vil projektet bygge et tværnationalt og -fagligt netværk hvori aktører fra forskning, sundhedsvæsen og virksomheder indgår.
Projektpartnere er:
  • Forskningsenheden i Staben, Sjællands Universitetshospital
  • Urologisk Afdeling, Sjællands Universitetshospital
  • Forskningscenter for Avanceret Billeddannelse (Research Center for Advanced Imaging), Sjællands Universitetshospital
  • Stringdahl Design
  • Medodan ApS
Medodan was founded by:
  • Christian Christiansen, CEO
  • Morten Haugland, CTO
  • Tommy Jacobsen, Hardware Design Lead
  • Nedim Junuzovic, Sr. Quality and Regulatory professional
  • Senad Zunic, Sr. SW Engineer
  • Valentina Ivanovic, Sr. SW Engineer